Is A Sore Throat A Symptom Of Coronavirus


One of the numerous possible Symptom Of Coronavirus, the respiratory condition brought on by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, is a sore throat.

But a sore throat is merely one of the signs and symptoms that COVID-19 can cause. Other symptoms are considerably more prevalent.

This article will discuss other common symptoms to look out for, when to seek medical attention, and how a sore throat can be a sign of COVID-19.

Is Sore Throat A Symptom Of Coronavirus?

If you’re wondering does coronavirus cause a sore throat, well, the likelihood of a sore throat being an early sign of COVID-19 varies.

According to some studies, 12 to 14 percent of persons with COVID-19 report having a sore throat. However, a painful throat has been listed as a symptom of COVID-19 by over half of the users of a symptom tracking app.

The prevalence of a sore throat also appears to be higher in those under the age of 30.

What Does COVID-19’s Sore Throat Feel Like?

Is A Sore Throat A Symptom Of Coronavirus
Is A Sore Throat A Symptom Of Coronavirus

The difference between a sore throat caused by COVID-19 and one caused by another reason is not really known.

In general, a painful throat is a common sign of a number of other conditions, such as the common cold and strep throat.

If you have COVID-19-related sore throat, you can experience typical painful throat signs and symptoms like:

  • When you swallow or speak, your throat may hurt or feel heavy.
  • It may also feel dry or scratchy.
  • The back of your throat may be red or inflamed.

Ultimately, getting tested is the only surefire way to determine whether COVID-19 is to blame for your sore throat. You can find out where to acquire a COVID-19 test from a medical expert or your state or local health department.

What Additional Symptoms Are Frequently Warning Signals For COVID-19?

Common COVID-19 symptoms have been assessed by several systematic reviews. In general, the authors of these reviews have discovered that the three COVID-19 symptoms that are most frequently reported are:

  • fever
  • cough
  • fatigue

Other less frequent COVID-19 symptoms in addition to a sore throat include:

  • headache and breathlessness
  • muscular cramps and aches
  • chills
  • loss of flavor or smell
  • runny or congested nose
  • gastrointestinal signs such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

When Does A Sore Throat Happen In COVID-19?

Early COVID-19 symptoms include a sore throat, which typically develops during the first week of illness but quickly goes away. On the first day after infection, it hurts worse, but it gets better each day after that.

The typical duration of a sore throat is two to three days, however, it can persist up to seven days in adults as opposed to five days in youngsters. It’s unlikely that you have COVID-19 if your sore throat keeps coming back.

How Pervasive Is COVID-19 Sore Throat?

Nearly half of COVID-19 patients will have a sore throat. However, it affects adults between the ages of 18 and 65 more frequently (49%) than older people (37%) or children under 18 (40%) do.

Symptoms of COVID-19 Compared to Cold, Flu, and Other Conditions

You can distinguish between COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses using the following additional factors:

Common Cold

Symptoms of the common cold can sometimes develop gradually. However, a runny or stuffy nose and a sore throat are the most typical early signs. Fevers can happen but are generally uncommon.


Flu symptoms start off quickly. Numerous flu and COVID-19 symptoms are similar. However, COVID-19 is less likely to cause typical flu symptoms like chills, headaches, and aches and pains.

Strep Throat

Is A Sore Throat A Symptom Of Coronavirus
Is A Sore Throat A Symptom Of Coronavirus

With strep throat, a sore throat frequently develops quickly. Cough and runny nose are common COVID-19 symptoms that are not always signs of strep throat.


A sore throat might be an instance of allergy symptoms. Sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose and itchy, watery eyes are additional typical symptoms. Allergies do not cause COVID symptoms including fever, exhaustion, and aches and pains.


Young adults and teenagers are more likely to have mono. Mono symptoms also develop gradually. Sore throat, excessive weariness, and fever are typical symptoms. There could also be a rash. Mono doesn’t cause a cough.


Children are most likely to get croup. It generally gets worse at night and has a distinct “barking” cough. A youngster may have classic cold symptoms including a sore throat, fever, and runny nose before developing a cough.


Shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell, fever, coughing, and exhaustion are the most often reported signs and symptoms. Other symptoms could appear less frequently and it varies if you’re fully vaccinated. Loss of taste or smell is one COVID-19-specific symptom.

What Must You Do If You Experience Difficult Symptoms?

Take the following actions if you experience a sore throat or other symptoms and believe you may have COVID-19:

Stay At Home

Plan to leave the house solely to get medical help, as this is for disease control and prevention. Make sure to keep yourself as far away from your roommates as you can if you do. If you need to receive medical attention or are among other people in your house, put on a mask, preferably an N95 or KN95 mask.

Call your physician

Inform them of your symptoms. They’ll provide you with advice on how to take care of yourself while you’re ill, and they might even set up a COVID-19 test for you.

All patients who require medical attention are treated quickly, effectively, compassionately, and affordably at RapidCare Emergency Room.

We commit to serving La Porte and Katy, Texas, by giving you and your family the most modern medical treatment possible in a timely manner, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Maintain a Symptom Log

People with COVID-19 may recover at home, while about 1 in 5 experience more severe disease. Consult a doctor right away if your symptoms start to grow worse.

What Can Help You Feel Better?

You can take some actions to help reduce your symptoms at home if you have mild COVID-19 symptoms and a sore throat.

You can, for instance:

  • Maintaining hydration as you heal requires drinking lots of liquids. Warm drinks, such as broth or tea with honey, may assist to relieve pain and irritation in the throat.
  • To relieve the discomfort of a sore throat, try gargling with a saltwater solution.
  • Suck on hard candies or throat lozenges to promote saliva production, which can help keep your throat wet.
  • To add moisture to the air, use a humidifier. Taking a hot shower might also help soothe sore throats.
  • Take a nap to strengthen your body’s defenses against infection.

Key Takeaways

Although COVID-19 cases tend to be minor, some could develop into serious illnesses. If you encounter symptoms like chest discomfort or difficulty breathing, don’t wait to seek emergency medical attention.