Maternal Health Awareness Day: Know What’s at Stake


Maternal Health Awareness Day - Know What's at Stake -RapidCare

Maternal Health Awareness Day: Know What’s at Stake

January 23rd marks Maternal Health Awareness Day, a time to shine a spotlight on the importance of keeping mothers healthy during pregnancy and beyond.

This year’s theme, “Know What’s at Stake,” reminds us that ensuring maternal health is about safe delivery and protecting two lives: yours and your baby’s.

Maternal Health Awareness Day

Founded to raise awareness about pregnancy-related health risks and the importance of accessible care, Maternal Health Awareness Day calls attention to the preventable causes of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

This yearly observance calls for families, communities, and healthcare providers to work together to save precious lives.

Maternal Health

The Reality of Maternal Health in the U.S.

Despite advances in medicine, the U.S. has one of the highest maternal mortality rates among developed nations.

Every year:

How You Can Prevent Complications

While some risks are unavoidable, many complications can be prevented with the proper care and vigilance.

Here’s how you can protect your health:

  • Attend All Prenatal Appointments: Regular check-ups can help identify issues early.
  • Follow a Healthy Lifestyle: Eat a balanced diet, stay hydrated, exercise as your doctor advises, and avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Know Your Risk Factors: Discuss your medical history with your doctor to understand your risks.
  • Communicate Symptoms: Please don’t dismiss or minimize symptoms. Listen to your body; it knows best.
Pregnant health complivations

Warning Signs: When to Go to the ER

Pregnancy is a joyous time in life, but it can also be unpredictable, and emergencies can happen.

While we want you to be relaxed and enjoy this experience, some red flags may signal you need to seek immediate care:

  • Severe abdominal pain or persistent contractions before 37 weeks.
  • Heavy bleeding or fluid leakage.
  • Severe headache, blurred vision, or dizziness.
  • Sudden swelling in the hands, feet, or face.
  • High fever or signs of infection.
  • Decreased fetal movement.
  • Shortness of breath, chest pain, or rapid heartbeat.

If you or your loved one experiences any of these symptoms, don’t wait; come to Rapid Care ER.

Pregnancy emergencies

Rapid Care ER is Here to Care for You 24/7

At Rapid Care ER, we understand the stakes and are committed to safeguarding your and your bundle of joy’s health.

Our skilled doctors are equipped to handle pregnancy-related emergencies and will always go above and beyond to protect the lives of mothers and their babies.

With us, you’re never alone; we’re here to provide compassionate, expert care whenever you need it most.

Your health and your baby’s future are too important to leave to chance. This Maternal Health Awareness Day, let’s work together to raise awareness, prioritize care, and ensure that every family knows what’s at stake.